Board 2022/2023
Meet The Board Members

Bilge Altıntaş
Communication Manager
PR & Advertising
Hobby: Animes, Cartoons
Fun Fact: I am a left-handed person but I can use both of my hands 😌

Turan Sarıkaya
Event Coordinator
Hobby: Travelling
Fun Fact: Not having fan fact

Sude Aslan
English Language Teaching
Hobby: Singing Bad (She needs another hobby 😼)
Fun Fact: Can put my leg behind my head

Zelal Tanış
Project Coordinator
Business Administration
Hobby: Dance 💃
Fun Fact: She rates every food she ate

Sena Kınalı
Event Coordinator
Hobby: Socializing ad Travelling
Fun Fact: My goal in life is to enjoy every moment!

Emrecan Ağustoslu
Financial Auditor
Tourist Guiding
Hobby: Basketball and Metallica
Fun Fact: People call me personal Jesus

Dilara Çor
Procedural Auditor
Hobby: HR and Trainings
Fun Fact: She loves cats

Yaşar Berke Peker
President of BoA
Hobbies: Music, HR, Travelling
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